Tremains Gatsby Picnic

Sponsored by Tremains
Enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon with your friends and set up by the seaside in the sunshine at one of the festival’s corner stone events. Whether youbring a picnic rug or a gazebo, pack something to eat and drink and join the throngs in their finery as they all picnic in style on the upper and lower lawn whilst watching the foreshore fill with picnic goers. There is something for everyone. If the weather is wet, we will picnic on the footpath in Emerson Street beneath the shop canopies. A prize will be awarded for the most elegant gazebo.

Gazebos on the seaward side of the lawns only. No gazebos to be erected before Sun 18 Feb, 6am. Once the top lawn is full, gazebos can be erected on the Lower Lawn to the south of the Tom Parker Fountain. There will be a band performing on the lower lawn. Please keep the ends of the top lawns clear so that people who are promenading have a clear path. Strictly no metal pegs are to be put into the lawn. Gazebos must be weighted down with sandbags or water weights.

Wheelchair access to Lower Lawn via Napier War Memorial Centre or i-SITE. Marine Parade will be closed from the Tom Parker Fountain to Albion Lane You can use the area in front of the fountain as a drop off point, but there is strictly no parking allowed.

Behind the Soundshell, Napier War Memorial Centre and on Marine Parade by the Department of Conservation building.

The Gatsby Picnic is intended to be a community picnic – and not an opportunity to sell goods. Anyone who is not authorised by the Art Deco Trust to sell goods will be asked to leave.

Liquor Ban
Please note that the liquor ban has been relaxed between the hours of 1pm and 4pm on Sun 18 Feb



Feb 18 2024 - Feb 18 2024


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm






Upper and Lower Lawn from Tom Parker Fountain to Napier Soundshell, Marine Parade, Napier

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